Many of
our former students have felt the need to go further in kayaking knowledge. With
a thought on that people, this year we have organized kayak voyages every
weekend in July.
voyages are our missions to discover and visit the rivers and sea corners of
Guipuzkoa, Biscay and the Northen Basque Country (France’s southwest).
Even if
it is easy to buy a kayak, it is not cheap, and many times the kayak remains
parked in the garage after the purchase. Also, often with closed kayaks a
monitor is necessary to learn the kayak rolling technique, this is the act of
riding a capsized kayak by using body motion and/or a paddle. You will improve
your skills with us and at the same time you will discover new and beautiful landscapes.
If you
want to take part in the voyages organized by Kaxkardi, you can either use your
own canoe or ours.
information about voyage offers will be available before July.