Urtero bezala, aurten ere Kaxkardi Kirol Elkarteak Piraguismoko ikastaroak eskeintzen dizkizue. Elkartearen esperientzia eta orainarteko harremanaren bermeaz, kirol hontaz gozatzeko parada luzatzen dizuegu. Aste osoko ikastaro trinkoa edo egun bateko irteera egiteko aukerak daude. Hona hemen astebeteko ikastaroen nondik-norakoak:
Helburu orokorrak:
~Ikasleek piraguismoko kontzeptu ezberdinak eta erabilpen orokorra ikastea lehor zein uretan.
~Naturarekiko sentsibilizazioa sendotu eta errespetua lantzea.
~Askorentzat ingurune berria den ur eremuan lasaitasunez moldatzea, inguru honek sor ditzakeen estimulu ezkorrak ekidinez.
~Esperientzia baikorra izanda, lagunartean edo familian ondo pasatzea.


Orokorrean, hastapeneko ikastaro hauek ibai-adar txikietan sortzen diren ur geldoetan ematen dira, esate baterako, Txaraman, Lazkaon, Ataunen, Zaldibian, Hernanin, etab. Gertariako hondartzan ere ikastaroa egiteko aukera egongo da. Beraz, ikastaroa garatzeko lekua herri bakoitzaren aukeren arabera zehaztu beharko dugu, beti ere ingurua aztertu ondoren segurtasun neurriak hartuz.
Partehartzaileak 8 urtetik gora izan behar dute, eta taldeak ez dira 14 pertsona baino gehiagokoak izango; kopuru honetatik pasatzen den kasu bereziren bat balego, gurekin harremanetan jarri eta konpontzen saiatuko ginateke. Talde hauek maila aldetik, ahalik eta homogeneoenak izaten saiatuko gara, denen artean ikasketa esperientzia dibertigarria izan dadin. Talde hauekin gutxienez bi monitore izango dira saio guztietan.
Datei dagokionez, ikastaroak maiatzetik irailarte luzatuko dira; talde guztiak koordinatzeko lanak egin ditzagun, gurekin harremanetan jartzea eskertuko genizueke, zuen nahiak gure egutegira egokitzeko. Ordutegiari dagokionez, goizeko 10tatik arratsaldeko 7terdiak arte izan liteke.
Ordu t'erdiko bost saioko ikastaro honengatik pertsona bakoitzak 47 euro ordaindu beharko ditu. Aste osoko kurtsoez gain, egun batetarako piraguismo irteerak ere egin daitezke. Aurretik aipatu moduan, saio berezi hauen nondik-norakoak gurekin hitzartu beharko zenituzkete: zenbat denborako saioa, zein erreketan ala itsasoan, zenbat pertsonako taldeak, etab.
Piraguismorako hastapenerako ikastaro txiki bat izan liteke, lehorrean teknika nagusiena azaldu ondoren, uretan praktikara eramaz. Gutxi gora behera, bi edo hiru orduko saioak izan daitezke, taldearen ezaugarrien arabera. Lagunartean edo famili giroan abentura irteera original bat egiteko aukera paregabea.
Taldeen eskaerak ahalik eta egokien koordinatzeko, eskaerak 15 eguneko epearekin egitea eskatzen dugu.


Kaxkardi Kirol Elkartea zuen beharrei erantzuna emateko prest dago. Ondoren aipatuko dizkizuegun ekintzak, proposamenak baino ez dira; ez ahaztu elkarren artean iharduera berriak ere gauzatu ditzakegula proposamen berrietara irekiak gaude.

Besteak beste, egin daitzazkegun ekintzak:

  • 2 edo 3 egunetako ikastaroa.
  • Hilabetean astero saio bateko ikastaroa (Eskola-Ikastolentzako, Heziketa Fisikoaren garaian).
  • Natur Zientzietako ikasgaiekin loturiko txangoa itsaso edo ibaietara bertako landaredia eta fauna ezagutzeko.
  • Ikasturte bukaerako opari-bidaia ikasleentzako.
  • Eskolaz kanpoko ekintzaren baten sari gisa.
  • Ikastetxeko egun edo jai berezi bat ospatzeko aukera.
  • Guraso eta haurrek elkarrekin kirolaz eta aisiaz gozatzeko irteera.
  • Mendi elkarteak, klubak, enpresak eta edozein motatako taldeak ongietorrriak izango dira.
  • Behar berezidun zentro eta kolektiboak ongi etorriak izango dira, adingabetu zentruak baita ere, gure medio-baliabideen arabera ekingo diogularik.


                                                                                                         PRICES &
                                                              PLACE                    PARTICIPANTS No.

One week long training
(4-5 days)

- Getaria, Donostia, Pasaia, Tolosaldea and Hernani.

47 euros, minimum of 8 persons

- North of Navarre, Goierri eta Hondarribia.

 60 euros, minimum of 8 persons

Single day training


Depend of group size and place.
(between 25-50 euros)




Depend on the group size and place. With your own kayak  (between 8-15 euro).

With Kaxkardi's kayak.
(between 20-30 euros)


Getaria's beach

Comming soon….

Kayak roll

In the Sea

Depend on the group size
(between 30-60 euros)

The prices include instructor, material (jacket, oar and canoe) and insurance. Every participant will have to come to the meeting point by his or her own. We recommend to bring a cap, sun cream and sunglasses. Payment of 20 % of the total amount will be necessary in order to get your place reserved, the rest can be paid at the end of the training course.

Groups should make their requests at least 15 days in advance of the course/event.

This summer

July & August

Other activities

In Kaxkardi we also offer other activities such as mountain trekkings, climbing and speleology. Any group interested in such activities should get in touch with us.

Kayak roll

Being able to drive and handle the kayak is an important thing but another extremely important thing is to be autonomous when you are under the water. Eskimo rolling is the act of righting a capsized kayak by the use of body motion and/or paddling.

If you want to go to the next level in kayaking we recommend you to apply for this workshop. We will teach you how to eskimo roll.  

This training course lasts between 2-3 days: and it is about an hour and a half long.


     As every summer we offer KAYAK renting in Getaria beach; you will be able to choose double or single kayaking lasting only an hour or as long as you want visiting one of the greatest and non crowded behach in the Basque Country. Sure you see WHALES.


Many of our former students have felt the need to go further in kayaking knowledge. With a thought on that people, this year we have organized kayak voyages every weekend in July.

The voyages are our missions to discover and visit the rivers and sea corners of Guipuzkoa, Biscay and the Northen Basque Country (France’s southwest).

Even if it is easy to buy a kayak, it is not cheap, and many times the kayak remains parked in the garage after the purchase. Also, often with closed kayaks a monitor is necessary to learn the kayak rolling technique, this is the act of riding a capsized kayak by using body motion and/or a paddle. You will improve your skills with us and at the same time you will discover new and beautiful landscapes.

If you want to take part in the voyages organized by Kaxkardi, you can either use your own canoe or ours.

The information about voyage offers will be available before July.

Single day lesson

Besides the one week training courses, we can organize a single day lessons. As we have already mentioned, the conditions of these lessons will have to negotiated with us in advance. When we talk about conditions we are talking about things such as: the duration of the lessons, the surrounding area (sea or river) where it will happen, the size of the group, etc.

Same way, we are keen on beginners single day kayaking lessons. In this case, after learning the basic skills in land we will put them in practice into the water. These lessons run for about an hour and half, although this is subject to variations depending on the group’s needs. We recommend the single day lessons specially for friends and families.

For people with previous experience we suggest going to the "Voyages" chapter.

Lessons according to the needs and characteristics of the groups are for example:
  • Training courses from 2 to 3 days. 
  • Monthly single lessons (for schools; for Physical Education lessons.
  • Natural Sciences Trips, we can learn about flora and fauna of the sea and the rivers. 
  • Student´s end-of-school final trip. 
  • Reward for activities out of the school. 
  • For special celebrations of the school or a specific special day. 
  • Activity for parents and children. 
  • Mountaineering Clubs, companies and other organizations are warmly welcome. 
  • Youth centres and clubs.

One week long training courses

These beginners training courses lasts from four to five days and it takes place in slow and calm waters such as the rivers in Tolosa, Lazkao, Ataun, Zaldibia, Hernani, Goizueta, Betelu, Lekunberri, etc. Likewise, there is a possibility to move to Getaria's beach on one of the course days.

When choosing the place where we will be working, we will pay attention to the number of participants and analyze the surrounding area to ensure that the safety regulations are strictly fulfilled.
  • The participants will learn the basic skills of kayaking and they will put them into practice both in land and in the water.
  • We will build environmental and nature awareness.
  • We will show, people who are new in the aquatic surroundings how to act in order to get naturalness and tranquillity.
  •  Beyond the individual experience, it will be team-building: we will show the importance of learning among friends and family.
 Participants must be at least 8 years old and the groups will never be bigger than 18 people; if there was an extraordinary case where the participants overcome this number, get in contact with us and we will try to find the most satisfactory solution for all of us. Likewise, we will try, as much as we can, to make as most homogeneous as we can in order to get a satisfactory experience for all.

Regarding dates, the training courses are run from March-April until September. This way, and in order to facilitate the coordination of every group, we will thank you if could get in contact with us in advance. This way we will be able to define our calendar. Regarding timetables, we are able to bring the lessons out between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m.

For 5 lessons of an hour and a half each, the price per person will be somewhere between 50-60 Euros depending on the expenses that Kaxkardi establishes.


We facilitate our training courses in differen enviroments (seaside and rivers). Trainings are addressed to groups with different characteristics, the only requirement being that every participant must perfectly know how to swim. For further information, please choose from one of the options below.

About us

 Kaxkardi Kayak Sport Club has been working in the Basque Country for over 30 years. Our mission is to promote kayaking and and also mountain activities. Every year we organize kayak training courses for all levels to this effect. Our best guarantee, is the well-done-work performed during these years, which is also the reason why we highly encourage and invite you to learn and have fun while performing this beautiful sport.

Thanks to our mobility, we are able to develop our activities in every corner of the Basque geography. In this sense, if you have any ideas about a specific place/location or activity you would like to carry out, please do not hesitate to let us know. We will give you a proposal to satisfy your will.

Everyone, with no exceptions, is welcomed to Kaxkardi, seniors and youngsters, women and men, experienced and beginners, we are here to satisfy your needs and will do everything in our hands in order to do this.
We invite you to take part in this awesome adventure. For further information, pleasetake a look to our wider offer below.